All about wallpaper

Wallpaper is beautiful, expensive and difficult to coordinate. Here are a few tips we’ve learned over the years.

Make your guest bath a statement

Your guest bath is the perfect opportunity to get creative and show off a little bit. Don’t let it be an afterthought. Make it a statement!

Remodeling is the best path to entry-level homeownership in Austin

It’s no secret the housing market is tough, especially in Austin and especially for first-time homebuyers. One solution is renovating existing housing stock. There are still deals to be had in the resale market in Austin if you know where to look. Finding a fixer upper can get you on the housing ladder and into a home built for you.

The renovations you HAVE to do before you sell your home

If you’re considering selling your home soon, you could be leaving money on the table by not doing these renovations first. The equity gained can often offset or even negate the cost. As a spec builder, Newcastle Homes knows what is important to buyers and what sells. We can put those skills to work for you, to determine the improvements that can get you the most bang for your buck when you put your home on the market.

Why tearing down your house might be the best decision you ever make

There are circumstances, particularly in Austin, where tearing down and rebuilding makes sense. As a 20+ year Austin infill builder, Newcastle Homes is expert at determining the condition, possibilities and market value of a property. We can help you decide the best route to achieve the home you want.